Celebrating the Cultures and Successes of Africa Australians and the New Africa
“Serving all Victorians”
Africa Day has been celebrated in Melbourne since 2012. Each year Africa Day is celebrated in partnership between Africa Day Australia, numerous African Australian community organizations and other organisations representing the broader Australian community.
A central aim of the Africa Day organising committee is the fostering of cooperation and partnerships between diverse Australian African communities, NGOs, the broader Australian community and the international community. The networking focused on peace building, collaboration and development within the social, cultural and economic arena. An additional aim promotes fulfilment of the human potential by fostering individual empowerment, loving families and the public good.
The week long celebrations covered several activities that began with the Emerge Street Festival on the 18 May; in partnership with Multicultural Arts Victoria, showcasing local African performing arts talent.
250 were in attendance at the Gala Dinner including members of the diplomatic corps, government organizations, members of various political parties and numerous community organizations.
Africa’s Got Talent
Africa’s Got Talent (AGT) is the performing arts competition of Africa Day Australia celebrations. 300 were in attendance to witness this youth talent quest which every year unleashes African Australian creative talents. Below are the winners for 2016. $5000. In prize money was distributed to the winners. In 2016 Frazer Mutumwa the General Manager of AGT did an amazing job making this even the best ever.
Africa Day Sports Festival
Africa Day Sports Festival – “Living Healthy Active Lives”
We had more than 100 participants at this year Africa Day Sports Festival. The completion included Netball, basketball and Soccer.
Family and Youth Forum
The Family and Youth Forum focusses on collaboration and development within the social, cultural and economic arena. Additionally, the forum promotes human potential by fostering individual empowerment, loving families and the public good.
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